Rachel L. Proctor

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[MINI-COURSE] Creating An Email Opt In Offer

So you want to grow your email list?

Let me be the first to tell you that a pop up box on your website labeled “Subscribe!” just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

In this competitive, noisey business landscape, your potential subscribers demand much more if you want to get and KEEP thier attention. You’ve gotta give them something they can’t resist. I want to share some tips and ideas in this mini course to make it happen.

There’s a good chance you’re familiar with opt-in offers already, but let’s briefly review. Also called a “lead magnet” or “lead offer,” an opt-in offer is an incentive that you provide in exchange for a subscriber’s email address. It’s often promoted through your other free content, such as blog posts or your website.

Free content leads people to your opt-in offer, which gathers up email addresses of potential leads, which gets them into your sales funnel. Your sales funnel should lead them to, you guessed it - a sale. Developing the right opt in offer for you ideal customers isn’t brain surgery but it does take some intentional work on your part so lets jump into this mini-course on how to create yours.

Check out the video teaching below to get started!

See this content in the original post

Here’s a quick recap:

  1. The first step to developing a great opt in offer is knowing the prospects you want to attract and having a handle on the product or service you’re offering.

  2. Next you need to have pin pointed your solution which of course is your product or service.

  3. Then you need to look at what can you give for FREE that will attract those ideal customers to want to know more about your business.

  4. All three of those things need to line up. Your main goal with an opt in is not to make money yet. It should be to serve the prospect in some way. Although you will need to think outside of the box for this but it doesn’t have to be hard. You’ve gotta ask yourself, what outcome does your ideal customer want the most? What can you offer them that will help your ideal customer get closer to his desired outcome for free before he even buys from you? Think in terms of being generous. It’s really an opportunity to serve your market whether they buy from you or not. What is your ideal customer struggling with or wishing for that you could help them with for free?

  5. If you’re selling a product, you could offer them discounts. Perhaps special offers, free trials of your products or free shipping. If you’re an expert in your field or establishing yourself as such, you’ve gotta ask yourself, how can you give specific advice that will help them solve a problem and get closer to their goals now? You could do that in the form of a free video or an audio, webinar, tutorial, a guide or training series like this one. Don’t stress about it being perfect. You can test out different things as you go along.

  6. Once you get them on your list, be sure to create a proper follow-up sequence to nurture so to speak, those people that have signed up. As I mentioned in the mini-course video, I have a list of email opt in offer ideas that I want to share with you.

Get your FREE Email Opt In Offer Ideas List HERE. By downloading the free list, you’ll automatically become a member of the Accelerate Circle™. This is my VIP list where I share business strategies + inspiration to help you grow in faith, life, love & business.

Lastly, in this mini course I referenced the mini course on “how to build your email list”. Here is the link to take that mini-course if you’re interested in building your list the right way. Also, this mini course will make more sense when you put both lessons together. Click HERE to watch the lesson on building your email list.

Be sure to add our coaching email - Coaching@RachelLProctor.com to your address book so that future emails don’t go to your spam.

What are your favorite takeaways from this mini-course?

Share your thoughts with me in the comment section below. Have questions or want to share advice you’ve learned on your business building journey? Drop ‘em below in the comments too!