[MINI-COURSE] Creating the Time to Build Your Business
Lets get down to the nitty gritty. I want to deal with the topic of time.
It’s so important that you set aside the time you need to think, create and reflect before you ever get started on any of the other steps I’ll share in this course.
I know you have lots of things vying for your attention. And as a business owner who runs several businesses - I totally get it!
But at some point you have to draw a line in the sand and make some tough decisions about your priorities if you want your business to get up and going. You have to absolutely make time for the things that you want to see happen or else they’ll always take a back seat to everything else.
In mini course you will discover:
How to harness the ONE THING you need to help you get clear on your purpose and overcome challenges you will face as you build your business,
How to create the time you need to get the business of your dreams up and going,
How to schedule day even if you have a family and work a full-time job and much more!
Check out the video teaching below to get started!
Here’s a quick recap:
This notion of “creating time” works like a budget that you would use to keep your finances on track. Like any good budget, you want your time to be balanced. So a way to do this is to look at how many hours you have that are actually “workable”. This doesn’t include the time you spend sleeping or commuting back and forth to your job. Nor does it include the hours you are clocked in working at your current job. That time is what I call non-negotiable time.
You also need to find out which calendar system works best for you. If it’s not scheduled, it’s not real. After you have discovered what discretionary time you can use to work on your business , you need to ask yourself the following questions: what can you do less of that will open up the time you need to work on your business? Less TV time? Less social media? What can you do consecutively to leverage your time? What can you do to rearrange your morning and evening routines to create more time?
Think about these things and then ACT!
As promised in the video, you can get your FREE Time Inventory Tracker HERE.
By downloading the free time tracker, you will automatically become a member of the Accelerate Circle™. This is my VIP list where I share business strategies + inspiration to help you grow in faith, life, love & business.
Be sure to add our coaching email - Coaching@RachelLProctor.com to your address book so that future emails don’t go to your spam.
What was your favorite takeaway from this mini-course?
Share your thoughts with me in the comment section below. Have questions or want to share advice you’ve learned on your business building journey? Drop ‘em below in the comments too!