[MINI-COURSE] Simple Selling Techniques for Your Business

This mini-course is about a topic that may seem scary to you.

It’s the topic of selling. For many business people, selling can be the most difficult part of running a business. However, selling is unavoidable and it’s the most critical piece to the profit puzzle. If you struggle with making the sale, then this mini-course is for you!

In this mini-course you’ll learn:

  • 4 concrete steps you can take to beef up your sales ability,

  • Why just having a great product isn’t enough to win in the selling game and what you can do to make yourself stand out above the rest,

  • The ONE THING you must do to seal the deal and get the sell,

  • How to handle customer objections and much more!

Check out the video teaching below to get started!

Here’s a quick recap:

1. When you’re trying to make a sale with a prospect, focus on the benefits of the product, not simply the product itself. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, people buy for the benefit of what you sell not just because they need more of what you sell.

2. Focus on listening to the customer, not talking. When you listen carefully you will be able to hear pain points that your customer has that your product or service can fill.

3. Be prepared to overcome objections to what you’re selling. Have some talking points to address the most common objections you get so you can maintain your confidence as you are talking to them.

4. Ask for the sale. Even when you have presented all the info and answered all their questions, you can’t assume they will know what’s next. Ask for the sale!

Now, I want to extend an invitation to you to join the Accelerate Circle™. This is my VIP list where I share business strategies + inspiration to help you grow in faith, life, love & business. As an added bonus, you’ll receive a FREE copy of my Quarterly Business Goals Planning Guide for signing up. Join HERE.

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What was your favorite takeaway from this mini-course?

Share your thoughts with me in the comment section below. Have questions or want to share advice you’ve learned on your business building journey? Drop ‘em below in the comments too!