[MINI-COURSE] How to Create the Perfect Workspace

Let’s talk about creating the right work space.

This is MAJOR because it will set the tone for how much work you actually get done in your business. There’s a chance that in the beginning stages of your business you will have to work from home. This is advantageous because it keeps your overhead costs low. But working from home has a catch.

Overflowing laundry, the blaring TV, chattering kids, your tempting, warm bed and barking dogs can all present problems for you. Working from home can be challenging but it doesn’t have to be impossible! Today I’ll show you how to create profit-producing work space on a budget. We’ll also get down to the nitty-gritty and learn the best methods to avoid temptations that can derail your productivity while you work from home.

And last but not least, I’ll also talk about some alternatives to traditional office spaces that you can consider when you outgrow your home space.

Check out the video teaching below to get started!

Here’s a quick recap:

1. Set some firm boundaries with yourself and others in the house if you don’t live alone.

2. Do your best to work only in this space. This keeps your workspace from taking over your home. It also helps when it comes to locating things you need with ease.

3. Get some comfortable furniture if possible. You don’t have to invest into office furniture all at once but if you are able to make an investment on one thing I would say get an ergonomically correct chair to sit in.

4. Cut off all distractions! TV, cell phones, tablets. Anything with notifications needs to be off during your set work hours. Think about the long term benefits of being disciplined when it comes to this.

5. Get buy in from your family or roommates of you don’t live alone. You are more likely to get buy in from them when they understand how important this is to you.

Here’s the link to check out the Beginner Business Must Have’s Mini Course I mentioned in the video. Click HERE to watch.

What was your favorite takeaway from this mini-course?

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